Daily Bulletin
Jim Thorpe Area High School Bulletin for Thursday, September 19, 2024
Early Dismissal
Wednesday, September 18th will be an Early Dismissal.
Students will dismiss at 11:25am.
Homecoming Dance
The 2024/2025 Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, September 21st, 2024 at the Jim Thorpe Area High School. The dance will be held form 7:00pm -10:00pm.
If bringing a guest that does not physically attend the Jim Thorpe Area High School then a Guest Form must be filled out and approved by September 16th. Guest Forms are available in the High School Main Office.
2024 Carbon County College and Technical Education Night
We are pleased to invite you to the 2024 Carbon County College and Technical Education Night, to be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, right here at Jim Thorpe Area High School. Representatives from over 50 colleges, universities, technical and trade schools, and military services will be in attendance.
We are excited to announce that we are a StriveScan Fair! By registering for StriveScan, this will allow you to provide your contact information both quickly and digitally to college representatives, so that information from the schools can be delivered directly to your email, hassle free! This eliminates the need to complete information request cards during the event. During College Night, colleges will scan your barcode and the next day, you will receive a report with information on the colleges with whom you scanned.
Please register for a barcode before College Night at StriveScan. It's fast, easy and free! There is no app to download and StriveScan's data security and privacy are of the highest standards (more details: strivescan.com/privacy-security).
Lunch Week of 9/16/24
Monday -- Macaroni and Cheese
Tuesday -- Walking Taco
Wednesday -- Southwest Turkey and Mashed Potato Bowl
Thursday -- Chili Cheese Bowl w/ Rice
Friday -- Pierogies
Attendance shall be required of all students enrolled in the school during the days
and hours that the school is in session, except that a principal or teacher may excuse a student for temporary absences when he/she receives satisfactory evidence of such mental, physical, or other urgent conditions which may reasonably cause the student’s absence.
It should be noted, credit for the year may be withdrawn when a student acquires absences totaling twenty (20) or more days unless there are extenuating circumstances.
District-wide guidelines for attendance
Students arriving after 7:45 AM but before 10:30 AM are considered tardy.
Students arriving after 10:30 AM but before 12:30 PM are considered AM absence.
Students arriving after 12:30 PM will be considered a full day absence.
Students leaving before 12:30 PM will be considered a PM absence.
******Students arriving after 10:30 AM will be ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity on that day unless there is documentation that is handed into the office showing their presence at an approved appointment.
As soon as a student returns to school after any absence, he/she should return an excuse
note, or doctor’s statement to the office or by email to hs_attendance@jtasd.org. This excuse note is to be completed by a parent indicating the reason for the absence and is to be signed by the parent. It is to be returned within THREE DAYS of the student’s return to school or the absence will be considered unexcused. If a student is out for three or more consecutive days, there MUST be a Doctor’s certificate handed in, not a parent note, in order for the days to be excused. Once a student accrues fifteen (15) days of absence, a Doctor’s certificate must be handed in for each day of absence thereafter, a parent’s note will cause the days to be considered unexcused. Administration has the option to call and verify doctor’s notes.
In case of truancy and/or forged excuses, the absence will be unexcused and the parent will be notified and the detention policy will be enforced.
Parents and students can be fined following their child’s third day of unexcused or illegal absence from school, and they are therefore urged to send an excuse with the student on the day following the student absence.
Students subjected to truancy fines can lose their driver’s license for a period of time.
Prom Policy
Students wishing to attend Prom must not have any OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSIONS
during the second semester and no more than 3 for the entire school year.
Students must not have more than 3 IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSIONS during the second semester and not more than 5 for the school year.
They must not have more than 10 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES OR 10 UNEXCUSED T ARDIES for the school year.
A ll outstanding detentions and suspensions must be served prior to attending the Prom.
**NOTE: Absence notes will not be accepted after 3 days upon return from the absence unless they are from a doctor.